Flexible, Sports Display Mannequins

Creatif Leven Displays – Quality Mannequins & Displays

Our broad industry knowledge includes over 30 years of visual retailing experience.

Our range of premium mannequins are expertly crafted using only the highest quality materials and lead the industries latest trends – helping you find new ideas and concepts for your stores merchandising creations.

Add to this our full range of torsos, heads and display props and we can fulfil all your visual display requirements.

We have a worldwide reputation for providing quality products, competitive pricing and excellent service.

We pride ourselves on our flexibility to respond to our clients requirements in an ever changing environment.

ADM know the world you live in as a visual display professional – a world of unique challenges that define the way you need to do business to succeed.

Our mannequins for sale are ideally used as shop mannequins and retail mannequins. As well as providing a full range of male mannequins, female mannequins and childrens mannequins we also have a quality selection of body forms and dressmaking mannequins. Our flexible mannequins are great for use as heritage mannequins.